Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of EWC codes that
The Wet Waste Company can accept and recycle.
Can’t see what you’re looking for? Give us a call to discuss
Waste from Exploration, Mining, Quarrying and Physical Chemical Treatment of Minerals Including Bentonite
- 01-05-04 fresh water drilling muds and waste
- 01-05-07 barite-containing drilling muds and waste
- 01-05-08 chloride-containing drilling muds and waste
Waste Not Otherwise Specified
- 16-10-02 aqueous liquid waste
- 16-10-04 aqueous concentrates
Construction and Demolition Wastes (Including Excavated Soil from Contaminated Non-Hazardous Sites)
- 17-05-04 soil and stones
- 17-05-06 dredging spoil
Waste from Waste Management Facilities, Off-Site Waste Water Treatment Plants and the Preperation of Water Intended for Human Consumption and Industrial Use
- 19-02-03 premixed wastes composed only of non-hazardous wastes
- 19-02-06 sludge from physico/chemical treatment
- 19-08-02 waste from de-sanding
- 19-09-02 sludge from water clarification
- 19-09-03 sludge from decarbonation
- 19-12-12 other waste from mechanical treatment of waste
- 19-13-04 sludge from ground water remediation
- 19-02-06 sludge from physico/chemical treatment
Municipal Waste Including Gully Waste and Road Sweepings
- 20-03-03 street cleaning residue